Page name: bakas united [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-06-18 17:17:47
Last author: Raiko Fire
Owner: Raiko Fire
# of watchers: 29
Fans: 0
D20: 14
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Welocome to Bakas United!

Where an idiot can be an idoit(<----)! ^_^'

(and for people who don't know what baka means, it's Japanse for idiot, dummy, stupid, etc.)

[Keeper of Darkness]

1st offials

[Raiko Fire]-President

The Bakas (the members)

Random Fun Links-


- (Ways to annoy people) (I'm too sexy, with Snape)

- (lots of funny videos)

- (maybe a little crude at times. (Curse words and some sexual passes), but very funny.)

-Stupid Quotes

-Baka Stadium

-What's My Age Again?

Rules for Living

Gallery of Uselessness

Contests various members are holding:(Please edit out ones that are finished)


<img:>-Fox-People Army
<img:>- The Kitty Club<img:>- Fox and Hound Club
<img:>- meeps unite
<img:>- fox-halflings unite<img:>-The anime guild
Rei's Rotating JRock Files

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2004-05-22 [Lady Sadira]: Aww damn! Im not gonna be able to cuz i might spend the night at ur house tomorrow and my bro is to lazy to do it for me

2004-05-22 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: well, i can ask [Kara Higurashi] to record it for me, or maybe Saniria...or maybe...Rikku can record it!

2004-05-22 [Raiko Fire]: boy, we've got a lot of idiots here...o.o *was just looking at the member list*

2004-05-22 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: yeah, so i noticed, and some of them don't even talk

2004-05-22 [Raiko Fire]: well, I'm in a lot of wikis and I own a lot of wikis that I don't say much in (and I don't even watch some that I'm in)

2004-05-22 [YokoTsuta]: baka

2004-05-22 [Raiko Fire]: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? you liked the shocky thing too! T.T;

2004-05-22 [YokoTsuta]: ^^ so?

2004-05-22 [Raiko Fire]: wait.... wrong conversation XD

2004-05-22 [YokoTsuta]: duh...

2004-05-22 [Raiko Fire]: heh heh....baka *knocks herself on the head with a fist*

2004-05-22 [YokoTsuta]: you said it.

2004-05-22 [YokoTsuta]: she logged out o.o;

2004-05-22 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: awww, dats not fair

2004-05-22 [YokoTsuta]: ><

2004-05-23 [Lady Sadira]: im confused...a confused wolf

2004-05-24 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: a confused wolf? never heard of one? i've heard of a confused dog...her name's [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]...oh wait...THAT'S ME!!!! ^-^

2004-05-25 [Lady Sadira]: yeah we're confused cousins!

2004-05-25 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: we're cousins?! i thought u were my aunt!

2004-05-25 [Lady Sadira]: HUH?!?!??

2004-05-25 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: don't ask, i'm not feeling well today

2004-05-25 [Lady Sadira]: Riiight....i wasnt gonna

2004-05-25 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: yeah! dats right! u weren't gonna!

2004-05-25 [Lady Sadira]: What in all hells did i do??

2004-05-25 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: i dunno

2004-05-26 [Lady Sadira]: Then why did u say that??

2004-05-26 [Raiko Fire]: I'm [oxyJ3N]'s 33rd cousin 9 times removed O.o

2004-05-26 [Lady Sadira]: o.O im weird, everybody's weird, my bro is wierd......LETS JOIN THE WEIRD PPLS!!

2004-05-26 [Raiko Fire]: I'm already in it Oo

2004-05-26 [YokoTsuta]: me too

2004-05-27 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: i'm too wierd to join the wierd ppls

2004-05-27 [YokoTsuta]: that's weird

2004-05-28 [Lady Sadira]: everythings weird

2004-05-28 [YokoTsuta]: good point.

2004-05-28 [Lady Sadira]: yup! :)

2004-05-28 [YokoTsuta]: :P

2004-05-28 [Lady Sadira]: *smiles*

2004-05-28 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: muahahahaha!!!!!!!

2004-05-28 [Lady Sadira]: YEAH! MUAHAHAHAHAH....wait that wasn't funny

2004-05-28 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: hey! i did the evil laugh! not you!!!!

2004-05-29 [Lady Sadira]: i felt like doing it ok? im just so damn tired

2004-05-29 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: ur always so damn tired

2004-05-30 [will turner neko]: hi

2004-05-30 [YokoTsuta]: hello

2004-05-30 [Lady Sadira]: i know im always so damn tired

2004-05-30 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: baka!

2004-05-30 [Lady Sadira]: what i AM always tired

2004-05-30 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: dude, u were supposed to say, "this page wasn't called Bakas United for nuttin!"

2004-05-30 [Lady Sadira]: i can say what i say how am i supposed to know what i say???

2004-05-30 [will turner neko]: LOL

2004-05-30 [oxyJ3N]: ...?...*is confused*...ahhhhh...Deslexia!!!

2004-05-30 [will turner neko]: ?_?

2004-05-30 [oxyJ3N]: Deslexia is where you say/write or do things backwards and i cant read Kogra, The Princess of Wolves's last comment because my Deslexia messes it up so that i cant get what it is tring to say! T.T

2004-05-30 [firepheonix]: yo peeps talk to me

2004-05-30 [firepheonix]: everybody asleep

2004-05-30 [firepheonix]: ?

2004-05-30 [Lady Sadira]: im tired....zzzzz..z.....zzzz

2004-05-30 [will turner neko]: ....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

2004-05-30 [Lady Sadira]: *is so damn tired again*

2004-05-31 [will turner neko]: gygyg

2004-05-31 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: what?

2004-05-31 [Lady Sadira]: *is begining to snore*

2004-05-31 [will turner neko]: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

2004-05-31 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: huh?

2004-05-31 [Lady Sadira]: *is dreaming on Youko in her sleep* me woves u Youko-san

2004-05-31 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: *cough* [Kara Higurashi] *cough*

2004-05-31 [will turner neko]: LOL

2004-05-31 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: what?

2004-05-31 [will turner neko]: ??

2004-05-31 [Lady Sadira]: *hears* MY YOUKO!! DAMN KARA!!!

2004-05-31 [will turner neko]: .....

2004-05-31 [Lady Sadira]: *is still dreaming of Youko* Youko-san...

2004-05-31 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: *cough* KitKat *cough*

2004-05-31 [Lady Sadira]: *begins to cry in her sleep cuz of a nightmare about her dying in the future*

2004-05-31 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: ah come one! i meant the chocolate bar!

2004-05-31 [Lady Sadira]: *is talkin in her sleep* i know

2004-05-31 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: speaking of which, i want one!

2004-05-31 [Lady Sadira]: *wakes up* dont care...*is now depressed*

2004-05-31 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: porbrecita

2004-05-31 [Lady Sadira]: im serious

2004-05-31 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: cereals? i want cereals!

2004-05-31 [Lady Sadira]: *sighs*

2004-05-31 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: what? i'm hungry

2004-05-31 [Lady Sadira]: so am i

2004-05-31 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: then get something to eat

2004-05-31 [Lady Sadira]: u too besides im not THAT hungry

2004-05-31 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: neither am i

2004-05-31 [Lady Sadira]: *sighs* im just depressed...V_V

2004-05-31 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: porbrecita

2004-05-31 [Lady Sadira]: i mean it i been like that all week

2004-05-31 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: well get over it and stop being such a crybaby

2004-05-31 [Lady Sadira]: just leave me alone

2004-05-31 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: where is this, "alone" you speak of?

2004-05-31 [jaderii]: I join. ^_^

2004-05-31 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: yay!

2004-05-31 [will turner neko]: hihi

2004-05-31 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: hewo

2004-06-01 [Lady Sadira]: konnichiwa

2004-06-01 [~Harry Potter~]: kool

2004-06-01 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: konnichiwa, minna!

2004-06-02 [will turner neko]: hiow

2004-06-02 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: konnichiwa!

2004-06-04 [Lady Sadira]: kobanwa!

2004-06-05 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: hewo

2004-06-05 [Lady Sadira]: e'llo

2004-06-05 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: wassup?

2004-06-05 [Lady Sadira]: nothing much

2004-06-05 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: true dat

2004-06-06 [Lady Sadira]: i guess

2004-06-06 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: what? u guess? no...not 'you guess' it's 'you know'

2004-06-06 [raynesprite]: ello

2004-06-07 [Lady Sadira]: i dunno

2004-06-07 [raynesprite]: ?

2004-06-07 [Lady Sadira]: i know im confused too...?

2004-06-07 [raynesprite]: wha?

2004-06-07 [Lady Sadira]: what? huh?

2004-06-07 [raynesprite]: ?.?

2004-06-07 [Lady Sadira]: <--- confused wolf

2004-06-07 [raynesprite]: <----confused as well

2004-06-07 [Lady Sadira]: <--- more confused

2004-06-07 [raynesprite]: <----VERY CONFUSED

2004-06-07 [Lady Sadira]: <---- MORE VERY CONFUSED

2004-06-07 [raynesprite]: ?

2004-06-08 [Lady Sadira]: ¿

2004-06-08 [raynesprite]: wow O.O

2004-06-08 [Lady Sadira]: ¿ ?

2004-06-08 [raynesprite]: bye...

2004-06-08 [Lady Sadira]: bai bai....

2004-06-08 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: adios

2004-06-08 [will turner neko]: hi

2004-06-08 [raynesprite]: hello I is back

2004-06-08 [Lady Sadira]: cool-ness

2004-06-09 [will turner neko]: kool

2004-06-10 [Lady Sadira]: yupperz

2004-06-10 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: yupper doodle

2004-06-10 [Lady Sadira]: where were ya?? u were never online for the last few days!

2004-06-11 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: uh huh

2004-06-11 [Lady Sadira]: well? where were ya?? ur bro always says that ur not there

2004-06-11 [Raiko Fire]: you people talk a lot -.-

2004-06-11 [Lady Sadira]: yupperz

2004-06-11 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: yupper doodle, i'm always at [Kara Higurashi, getting ready for Chana's Quinceniera

2004-06-11 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: yupper doodle, i'm always at [Kara Higurashi]'s, getting ready for Chana's Quinceniera

2004-06-11 [Lady Sadira]: cool-ness

2004-06-12 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: yupper doodle

2004-06-12 [Lady Sadira]: yankee doodle! i like that song :p

2004-06-12 [yuki undefined]: riding on a pony he went mmm

2004-06-12 [Lady Sadira]: ponies....are...wierd...and scary...

2004-06-12 [yuki undefined]: ......................

2004-06-12 [Lady Sadira]: :D

2004-06-12 [yuki undefined]: still awake?

2004-06-12 [Lady Alaina]: Can I join?

2004-06-12 [yuki undefined]: you mean you havent already?

2004-06-12 [Lady Alaina]: No,not yet....and yes,I can be a baka sometimes! ^^

2004-06-12 [yuki undefined]: yesh thats why I asked. Well join!

2004-06-13 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: *starts singing* that was her, this is me! we're as different as can be! she and i are nothing alike! ur confusin day with night...okay, not i'm totally reminded of Kagome and Kikyo by that song...-_-'

2004-06-13 [. x o x o .]: hi

2004-06-13 [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]: hello

2004-06-14 [raynesprite]: hey!^^

2004-06-14 [. x o x o .]: how r u???

2004-06-14 [Lady Alaina]: Hello!!!!

2004-06-14 [yuki undefined]: EITO!

2004-06-15 [Lady Alaina]: lol Hi Yuki. ^^

2004-06-15 [yuki undefined]: how are you?

2004-06-15 [. x o x o .]: hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi

2004-06-15 [Lady Alaina]: Fines. ^^ And you?

2004-06-15 [yuki undefined]: good good..i commented in the hiei wiki

2004-06-15 [Lady Alaina]: Oh. Ok. ^__^

2004-06-15 [Lady Alaina]: O_o

2004-06-15 [Raiko Fire]: ^_^

2004-06-15 [Lady Alaina]: lol My boyfriend owns a Claymore. He would love to join.

2004-06-15 [Raiko Fire]: >.> I have about 20 swords of my own ^^

2004-06-15 [Lady Alaina]: WHOA!!!!!!!!!

2004-06-15 [Raiko Fire]: excluding daggers

2004-06-15 [Lady Alaina]: O_O

2004-06-15 [Lady Sadira]: i have some daggers i have a huge collection of them! yup! ^_^

2004-06-15 [raynesprite]: hehe daggers...wheeeee!

2004-06-16 [Lady Sadira]: yayaz!!

2004-06-16 [raynesprite]: *rar*

2004-06-16 [Lady Sadira]: MEEP!!

2004-06-16 [raynesprite]: hehe*growl*...*howl*

2004-06-16 [Lady Sadira]: MEEP EEP!

2004-06-16 [raynesprite]: *rarararrr*

2004-06-16 [Lady Sadira]: *hits u with a roll of newspaper* dont scare me like that!!

2004-06-16 [raynesprite]: *grrrrrowl*...*attacks u*...*steals the newspaper* hehehehehehehe >:D

2004-06-16 [Lady Sadira]: *growls back and she tackles u and gets her newspaper back and pounces u*

2004-06-16 [Lady Alaina]: <img:> Lookies lookies!!! Kuwabaka got slapped for insulting Botan's cooking!!! ^^

2004-06-16 [Lady Sadira]: Oooo!!!

2004-06-16 [Lady Alaina]: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

2004-06-16 [Lady Sadira]: *looks closely and glomps Kurama* MINE MINE MINE!!!! MUAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!.....wait..that wasnt funny...^_^;;

2004-06-16 [Lady Alaina]: Yes it was,just stay away from my Hiei...¬¬

2004-06-16 [Lady Alaina]: Hey,could you put it up on this page? I think it's siutable because of Kuwabaka...

2004-06-16 [Lady Alaina]: I g2g. Cya. ^^

2004-06-17 [Koddy]: *Walks into lampost, slips on banna skin then falls in very deep hole* Can i join?

2004-06-17 [Raiko Fire]: o.O Hiei is mine T.T

2004-06-17 [raynesprite]: *chews on a squeeky toy*

2004-06-17 [Raiko Fire]: hi o.O

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